• ABUNDANT LIFE HCS 214-330-2222 hcsintexas.com Abundant Life provides home and community-based services that help individuals with learning disabilities and their families in the comfort of their own homes. They understand that families know more about their loved ones than they do and incorporate a family’s goals and experiences into their programs.
  • ADD/LD PARENT SUPPORT GROUP OF COLLIN COUNTY 972-396-1216 SSCaroline@aol.com This support group hold meetings at the First United Methodist Church of Allen which features guest speakers videos and information for parents of developmentally disabled children.  
  • THE ARC OF DALLAS 214-634-9810 www.arcdallas.org The Dallas chapter of ARC serves as a voice for children with disabilities and their families in the areas of education and workforce rights. They seek to empower people with developmental and intellectual disabilities in order to improve their quality of life.
  • ASSOCIATION FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING (AFIL) 214-351-0798 www.afildfw.org For parents whose children will be finishing school AFIL is a great program to get them ready to live more independent lives by offering them a half-way home and life skills to help them transition into independence.
  • AVID QUALITY CARE 972-346-4144 www.avidqualitycare.com Avid focuses on caring for an individual’s emotional social physical and intellectual needs in order to enhance their quality of life. They provide HCS residential and skill development assistance to individuals of all ages.
  • BIRTH INJURY JUSTICE CENTER 855-244-5350 www.childbirthinjuries.com The Birth Injury Justic Center was created as a helpful resource focused on victims of birth injuries and their families. Their mission is to provide legal information and guidance and serve all families with disabilities caused by physical birth injuries. 
  • CEREBRAL PALSY GROUP 321-456-9875 www.cerebralpalsygroup.com/cerebral-palsy/ Cerebral Palsy Group is here to provide free educational information and support to those who have been affected by cerebral palsy. Cerebral Palsy is an umbrella term that refers to a group of disorders affecting a person’s ability to move. Cerebral Palsy Group is an online resource that brings information directly to you in a helpful way.
  • COMMUNITY FOR PERMANENT SUPPORTED HOUSING txcpsh.org CPSH collaborates with parents property owners all levels of government and the larger community in North Texas to establish safer more affordable housing options for adult loved ones with special needs. Housing created through CPSH is not a traditional group home but an innovative approach to affordable sustainable housing for people with special needs.
  • DHI (DISABILITY HELP INC) 800-670-6274 www.disabilityhelpinc.com DHI is an organization that provides assistance to people with disabilities in getting benefits from social security. Their services include assistance with filing claims representing claimants in hearings and answering SSI questions. 
  • EASTER SEALS OF GREATER DALLAS 817-332-7171 https://ntx.easterseals.com/site/PageServer?pagename=TXNW_homepage This is the local office of Easter Seals a national organization which provides advocacy and education services for disabled persons.
  • FRISCO AREA LISTENING AND LEARNING 972-596-0035 www.thefriscolisteningcenter.com Listening and Learning offers children a chance to improve their focus reading social skills auditory processing and general classroom performance helping children improve their education and overall quality of life. Services include both private tutoring and group activities.
  • HAPPY HANDS LEARNING 972-853-1175 www.happyhandslearning.com/node/150 Happy Hands provides inclusive learning and social opportunities for children with special needs. Their programs often include children with typical learning abilities to better teach functional social and life skills to children with learning disabilities.
  • INDEPENDENT STEPS 469-600-4336 www.independentsteps.com Independent Steps provides rehabilitation services in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for children and adults with cerebral palsy multiple sclerosis Parkinson’s disease brain injury or post-stroke conditions. We specialize in the Conductive Education methodology which is aimed at rebuilding the mental processes and cognitive skills needed to overcome basic challenges such as learning to roll crawl sit stand walk eat write and become potty trained.
  • THE LEARNING CENTER OF NORTH TEXAS 817-336-0808 www.tlcnt.org TLC offers affordable accessible and practical resources and services to people with learning disabilities. They offer services to help kids develop study practices and strategies to overcome their individual learning challenges.
  • METROCARE SERVICES 214-743-1200 www.metrocareservices.org Metrocare is a nonprofit organization which serves people with developmental disabilities mental illness and sever emotional problems. They value integrity quality diversity and perseverance when serving families in the DFW area.
  • MHMR (MENTAL HEALTH MENTAL RETARDATION) 817-569-4300 www.mhmrtc.org MHMR has a multitude of mental health and developmental learning programs to assist disabled people of all ages. Their services include an ECI program for children under the age of 3 as well as Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities programs for those older than 3 years of age.
  • TOUCH OF CLASSDallas: 972-918-0612 Fort Worth: 817-541-9435 www.touchofclass.net A Touch of Class offers in-home care for people with disabilities including various forms of therapy respite and supported employment among others. They are approved for CLASS PHC MDCP and DBMB care for qualified individuals and have two locations in the DFW area.
  • TEXAS RESOURCES THE ARC OF TEXAS www.thearcoftexas.org NThe ARC is a great resource that promotes advocacy education and independent living. They also host some excellent conferences and keep you updated on legislative issues and government benefits for people with disabilities. 
  • CSHCN (CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL HEALTHCARE NEEDS) 800-252-8023 www.dshs.state.tx.us/cshcn/default.shtm As part of the Department of Health CSHCN provides case management and support for family-centered community based strategies for improving quality of life for children with special health care needs.
  • DISABILITY RIGHTS TEXAS 800-252-9108 www.disabilityrightstx.org Disability Rights Texas is an advocacy organization which fights discrimination and negative stigmas regarding disabilities and is the federally designated legal protection and advocacy agency for Texans with disabilities.
  •  ECI (EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERVENTION) 800-628-5115 www.dars.state.tx.us/ecis A division of the Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services ECI is a statewide program for families with children birth to three with disabilities and developmental delays. ECI supports families to help their children reach their potential through developmental services. Services are provided by a variety of local agencies and organizations across Texas.
  • FEDERAL AND STATE REGULATIONS AND COMMISSIONER’S RULES 512-463-9414 www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=2147497444 The Texas Education Agency breaks down all special education laws currently in effect in Texas including Federal regulations and additional rules for Texas. 
  • SPECIAL EDUCATION MONITORING AND REVIEW PROCEDURES www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=2147495552&menu_id=2147483703&menu_id2=2147483712 This page summarizes how special education programs are monitored to make sure your child is getting the support he or she needs; It is a good short read to help parents familiarize themselves with monitoring procedures.
  • TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES 512-438-3011 www.dads.state.tx.usDADS is an agency that administers long-term services and support for aging and disabled people in Texas. They have extensive resources and information about assisted living as well as rules and statutes for people with disabilities.
  • TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF ASSISTIVE AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES DARS Inquiries line: 800-628-5115 www.dars.state.tx.usDARS provides advocacy for Texans of all ages who are deaf or hard of hearing. DARS also provides services and programs for Texans of all ages who are blind or visually impaired including transition services for those aged 13-22 as well as assistance in vocational rehabilitation and job counseling for Texans with disabilities (all ages).
  • TEXAS PARENT TO PARENT 512-458-8600 or 866-896-6001 www.txP2P.orgTexas Parent to Parent is a statewide non-profit organization developed for parents by parents. It provides parent-to-parent matches support information website resources a newsletter training.
  • NATIONAL RESOURCESCEREBRAL PALSY GUIDANCE www.cerebralpalsyguidance.com CerebralPalsyGuidance.com is a comprehensive informational website on cerebral palsy. From information on cerebral palsy symptoms to financial assistance to daily living articles CerebralPalsyGuidance.com covers all aspects of cerebral palsy. All information is thoroughly researched and cited. 
  • CEREBRAL PALSY GUIDE 844-891-1117 www.cerebralpalsyguide.comCerebral Palsy Guide is an organization dedicated to the wellbeing and education of individuals with cerebral palsy. This organization aims to focus on the families children and caregivers who cope with a CP diagnosis on a daily basis.
  • EASTER SEALS DISABILITY SERVICES 800-221-6827 www.easterseals.comEaster Seals is one of the oldest organizations help disabled persons and persons with special needs. They provide education advocacy outreach and exceptional services to the disabled community.
  • EXCEPTIONAL PARENT MAGAZINE 800-247-8080 www.eparent.comExceptional Parent is a monthly magazine for parents and professional caretakers of people with special needs. The national website includes resources for parent to parent programs information and referral centers a disability library services products and much more. 
  • MUMS (MOTHERS UNITED FOR MORAL SUPPORT) 909-336-5333 www.netnet.net/mums/ Once a national parent-to-parent network MUMS now provides information and emotional support to parents whose child has a rare (or not so rare) disorder. 
  • NAMI (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR MENTAL ILLNESS) 800-950-6264 www.nami.org NAMI provides information and training programs for caregivers of individuals with mental health issues or brain disorders as well as the opportunity to connect with others.
  • NATIONAL CENTER FOR LEARNING DISABILITIES 212-545-7510 www.ncld.org NCLD enables young adults empowers parents and advocates for policy creation in an attempt to improve the lives of disabled people. They have great resources for parents adults with disabilities and educators. 
  • NICHY (NATIONAL INFORMATION CENTER FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH W/ DISABILITIES) 800-695-0285 www.nichy.org NICHY is a list of various resources for people with disabilities and their families. The site provides links to various education learning disability and mental disorder resources.
  • NICHCY (NATIONAL DISSEMINATION CENTER FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES) nichcy.org/ NICHCY encourages families to learn everything they can about learning disabilities education and legislation and they provide comprehensive resources for this purpose. While funding for the NICHCY has ended the website and its resources will be available until September 30 2014.
  • NIH (NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH) 301-402-4336 www.nih.gov NIH is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and shares information on new developments and studies regarding mental and physical health. Stephen Groft at the office of rare diseases provides information on which hospitals and physicians are doing research or clinical trials on any disease.
  • NORD (NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR RARE DISORDERS) 800-999-6673 www.rarediseases.org NORD provides information and resources for patients families other organizations and medical professionals regarding rare disorders. They also advocate for consistent and fair government policies and support innovative research. 
  • SOCIAL SECURITY SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME 800-772-1213 www.ssa.gov/pgm/ssi.htm The Social Security Administration provides certain benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income sources. Give them a call or check out their website to find out how you can get these benefits.